HydraVIEW-24-MPO | Pre-Terminated 24 Strand OM3 PureFiber-100-GIG Fiber optics Cable Armored Plenum Indoor/Outdoor Rated Multimode 50/125 with 4 MPO connectors pigtail for 2.4 Terabits of ultra speed data & multimedia with Free Pull-Sleeves Included

SKU: 0744985473335
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Hydraview-4 es un cable multimodo OM3 recto de Tipo A 24 de fibra óptica con cuatro conectores MPO en cada lado que conecta seis fibras (Posición 1 a 6), ideal para aplicaciones multi-trabajo o de visión múltiple, como MULTI-HDMI 2.1 o Paredes de video o Multi-Computing o Multi Virtual Reality y cualquier otra sobre el mismo cable. Se conecta directamente o a través de 4 placas de pared MPO MPO. Los conectores MPO se tambalean para pasar a través de conductos de 3/4 "con el manguito trenzado reforzado con llave de 6.5 a 8.2 pies (hasta 2,5 metros). Los MPO pueden propagarse para conectar dispositivos distantes, como diferentes computadoras, diferentes en bastidor. Dispositivos, televisores de paredes de video, etc.

Cables de fibra ganadora del premio


¿Por qué MPO es el mejor?

MPO es el mejor conector inquebrantable multi-fibra de la industria de la industria de fibras para el cableado de fibra óptica residencial y comercial, que ofrece la mejor confiabilidad de interconexión con el sistema de bloqueo seguro PUSH-PULT. MPO masculino y femenino se conecta entre sí utilizando un acoplador de MPO simple o placas de pared MPO. Los conectores MPO muy compactos y robustos no son voluminosos y fácilmente pasan en paredes y conductos sin ningún riesgo para romperlos. Las fibras individuales pueden luego romperse fuera de las placas de la pared a los conectores de fibra deseados para satisfacer los dispositivos de fibra de hoy y de mañana en la sala, dejando la pared en la MPO universal.

Coletas de ruptura

Dividir las fibras individuales de la MPO donde sea necesario, según sea necesario, para las conexiones que necesita hoy y mañana.
Las coletas son estándar y, si se dañan, se dañan, cambie la pigtail sin reemplazar el cable de MPO principal. Prueba segura y futura.

Placas de pared y conexiones

FIBERCOMMAN ofrece una gama completa de terminaciones, como video de 4K 8K HDMI, Fibra Internet, USB-C, realidad virtual, mouse de teclado, paredes de video, IR 232 485 desencadenantes, hogar inteligente, MOCA, I2S, Audio de sonido envolvente, SPDIF y más . Puede colocar nuestros cables de fibra MPO y decidir más tarde qué conectarse en las placas de la pared.
El límite es el cielo

Fácil de pasar en cualquier lugar

Gracias a nuestras terminaciones desmontables patentadas, el cable principal de fibra óptica, aunque las paredes, las rodistas, los conductos de 3/4 "sin ningún problema ni el riesgo de dañar cualquier terminación.
Use una cinta de pescado o el cable anterior para tirar de nuestro kevlar no estelchable, luego conecte directamente o a través de la placa de pared.

Pasar en cualquier conducto

Nuestras fibras son las más flexibles y claras en la industria, pasan 90 grados en tuberías, y son delgadas para pasar por conductos muy concurridos sin problemas

Botón opcional

Añadir HDMI 2.1 4K 8K 48GBPS

Los enchufes HDMI de fibra óptica patentados en todo el mundo permiten pasar el cable principal delgado en paredes, bastidores, gabinetes, luego en las terminaciones HDMI 2.1 sin daños. La terminación se puede actualizar a las futuras resoluciones de HDMI sin reemplazar el cable principal.
Sobre la base de los conectores de fibra profesional de MPO estándar de la industria, nuestros tapones de fibra HDMI son de 5 pies de largo cada uno (1,5 metros), se conectan al cable principal a través de acopladores de complemento MPO estándar de la industria para la mejor conexión de fibra confiable, robusta y confiable. Sobre la base de la mejor transmisión absoluta de fibra, la alimentación se toma conectando los conectores de alimentación USB incluidos a cualquier enchufe de alimentación USB, disponible en todos los televisores, proyectores, receptores AV o a través de cualquier cargador de teléfono simple o una tira de alimentación eléctrica con sockets USB.

Añadir Fibra Ethernet

Use nuestra "y" divisor de fibra y cola de cerdo para romper las seis fibras de expansión gratuitas del cable ultra PureFiber.
Cada uno de los 6 LC OM3, los enchufes tiene una capacidad de velocidad de 100 gigabit / s.
Uno de estos enchufes puede conectar nuestro convertidor de fibra Ethernet para llevar a Internet desde ambos lados del cable a la velocidad completa de la fibra con Zero LAY, lo mejor para la transmisión de TV de 4K / 8K, Juegos de TV de cero, VR Realidad Virtual, Computadora de trabajo, Videoconferencia, Teléfonos VOIP, adaptadores locales de WiFi, Hubs de hogar inteligentes, electrodomésticos IP.
Los cinco enchufes restantes se pueden usar para adaptadores de mouse de teclado Ethernet o KVM adicionales, audio, RS232, infrarrojos infrarrojos, o cualquier otra expansión.

Añadir USB / Teclado / Mouse / IR / 232 / SECUNDARIO 4K HDMI / AUX AUDIO

Use nuestra "y" divisor de fibra y cola de cerdo para romper las seis fibras de expansión gratuitas del cable ultra PureFiber.
Conecte uno de los seis enchufes de fibra óptica LC disponibles a nuestro terminal multimedia para conectar dispositivos USB 2.0, como teclado, mouse, controles infrarrojos de 3.5 mm, RS232, video auxiliar 4K60 HDMI 2.0B 18GBPS video.
Este accesorio es ideal para conectar las salas de oficina a domicilio, las impresoras, los dispositivos USB 2.0, los controles, saliendo de la computadora lejos de la habitación.
El 4K adicional @ 60 HDMI se puede usar para el monitor de la computadora o como la segunda pantalla de TV para un contenido separado, o para enviar cualquier video 4K desde el armario eléctrico a la sala, como DVR, alarmas, levas de seguridad o la computadora.
(1 respuesta de milisegundos - no para juegos en línea HI Speed)

Añadir usb-c 3.x

Usando nuestro accesorio de división de fibra "Y" para romper las fibras de expansión, es posible conectar nuestra terminación de accesorios USB-C para conectar dispositivos USB-C de Ultra High Speed, como auriculares VR Virtual Reality, computadoras, periféricos, cámaras web, cualquier USB -C aparato. El accesorio USB-C es lo suficientemente largo para alcanzar el dispositivo o los auriculares VR de una manera cómoda, proporcionando también el poder de recargar las baterías si es necesario.

About Our Pre Terminated Fiber Optic Cables Assemblies:

We do next generation Ultra-Speed Super Flex multimedia fiber optics with the highest transmission purity for real time data streaming.

Our exclusive PureFIBER® Pre-Terminated Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies are made in the USA and built for the lastest 100-Giga per strand data & mulitmedia speeds without fast-dynamic bit-errors, the best for Ultra Video & Multimedia, 3-years in a row best in show in USA.

We have a strict ISO9001 quality control manufacturing process to deliver the best next generation multimedia Fiber Cables.

Our pre-defined lenghts 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150 200 250 330 feet ship same day through our on-line easy & quick ordering process which offers also payment options as well overnight delivery options.

Longer cables can be coiled in narrow spool without any damage nor data loss, leaving extra for any last minute move or change.

When the order is placed, You will receive an order confirmation immediately with real time information and tracking number so you can plan your installation accordingly.

We only use premium components with best Japanese & German Hi-Tech Ultra Core fiber optics best for Philips Lasers for 4K 8K 10K 16k Multimedia & ultra internet streaming applications.

Our experts can also help you choose the right assembly for your application.

Our pre-terminated fiber optic assemblies are perfect for Homes, Residential, Commercial, Medical, Edu, Mil, Professional applications, where the latest generations of speed for multimedia, meeting, streaming, are most wanted.

We also offers a complete range of exclusive world-wide patented terminations such as HDMI 4K 8K, display Ports, DVI, VGA, USB-C, IR infrared, 232, Triggers, Sound, Smarc controls, and more, to complete and connect the installation at any time with direct connection to the main cable or via wall plates.

We can guarantee your fiber cable will arrive quickly and exceed your expectations, better than any other fiber cable solution, saving your time and money as our solutions delivers the best out of the box functionality & performances.

Standard PureFIBER Manufacturing Features:

  • ISO 9001 Certified Manufacturing in the USA. color coded 2-millimeter or sequentially labeled split tubing is installed on each strand for easy identification and extra durability
  • Heat shrink tubing with glue set is used at the transition from the jacket to the split tubing providing the best robustness & strain relief while pulling the assembly
  • Connectors inside the braided sleeves are staggered for less bulk and more flexibility.
  • Connectors are wrapped into a weather-resistant plastic to prevent contamination by pulling lubricants and/or other contaminants, as well to stay unused on a construction site for weeks also exposed to humidity, rain, paint, etc.
  • Each Cable includes labels for an easy installation, connection as well production traceability.
  • Each Cable includes a full test report based on JDSU / AGILENT / TEKTRONIX / ANRITSU and other industry-reference fiber optic test sets to guarantee our Fiber Optics are compatible to everything with no defects.
  • Pulling Kevlar (patented) is free standard included and best to pull our cables through conduits and walls with no-risk the pulling mechanism brakes-off during the operations.
    Unlike other manufacturers who offers a " pulling eye " crimped on the cable, with our PureFIBER CABLES you pull the real Kevlar strands which runs inside the cable along the whole cable.
    To our pre terminated fiber optic cables simply attach a fish tape or the old cable to our kevlar strand out from the tip of our included braided sleeves and pull.
    Our Kevlar strand will pull the cable, without any risk to stretch the cable (unstretchable), without the risk to detach from the cable (the kevlar runs along the whole cable), while the fiber connectors are relaxed in our free-included braided sleeves, wrapped in any-contaminants plastic.
  • All Cables 100ft and above will be placed on a spool for easy installation. Cables under 100ft will be neatly air spooled.

Cable Manufacture Features and Characteristics:

  • Multimode OM3 50/125 PureFIBER Ultra Fiber Wavelength – 850/1300nm
  • Link Length: 300 meters (100Gb/s@850nm)
  • Bandwidth (EMB High Performance): 2000MHz.km@850nm
  • Aqua Jacket Color
  • Plenum Rated – PVC Flame Retardant
  • 900 µm Tight Buffers
  • Exclusive use of PureFIBER® Ultra Optical Fibers
  • Jacket print ensures product identification and fiber type
  • Heavy duty distribution jacket offers protection during installation and in rugged use applications.
  • Aramid Kevlar yarn strength reinforcement inside jacket
  • Temps: Storage -40ºC to +70ºC Operation 0ºC to +70ºC
  • Outer Diameter: 2&4 Strand -- 4.4mm / 6 Strand – 4.8mm / 8-12 Strand – 5.8mm / 18 – 24 Strand –7.8mm / 36 - 48 Strand - 10mm
  • Min Bend Radius Installation/Operation: 2&4 Strand – 3cm, 6 Strand – 4cm, 8-12 Strand – 5cm / 18 – 24 Strand –8cm / 36 - 48 Strand - 10mm
  • All components materials meet FCC / CE / RoHS / REACH Directive standards

Technical Specifications

HydraVIEW-24-MPO Main Cable

Pre-Terminated Flexible Fiber Optic
Our Professional Ultra High Speed multimedia pre terminated Fiber Optic cables makes every data & multimedia installations simple anywhere, with ready-for-signals plug 'n play connections without requiring expensive converters adapters.
Where standard fiber cables does nothing, our PureFIBER cables connects Audio, Video, Data, Bus, Smart Home, Fiber Internet, USB, VR, Controls, Alarms, Telephones, and all the ultimate signals direct of via common keystones wall plates.
Braided Sleeve Ready to Pull (patented)
Pre-Terminated connectors ready to plug and use without requiring any long or difficult on-site fiber termination job.
Connectors comes protected by a plastic wrap plus an outer Nylon braided sleeve, ready for any construction site, weather-proof.
A Kevlar Strands cord attach to any Fish Tape or Old Cables to pull the PureFIBER cable through anywhere, also very crowded conduits with 90 degrees turns, without any risk to damage the fibers.
Our cable can pull through a 3/4" conduit leaving space for any extra or pre-existing cable.
Fiber Optics
FOUR MPO Female connectors with 6 OM3 Multi Mode Fiber Optics each - ( 1-to-6 - 7/8/9/10/11/12 are NC)
Each Fiber strand supports 100 Gigabit/s Speed
Total Cable Bandwidth over 4 MPO is 2.4 Terabit/s
MPO connection standard is TYPE-A Straight (1to1 - 6to6), no crossing.
MPO can be connected direct or via MPO Keystones through wall plates
Cable Ratings
CL3 FT4 Fire Rated for commercial & residential applications
UV Rated can be used directly exposed to sun light outdoor, water-rain-weather resistant.
Can be buried in conduits, resist to outdoor moisture.
In-Wall Rated, Plenum, In-Conduit, In Door, Out Door.
Operating Temperature Typ. -40°C to +105°C
Outer Jacket Diameter 10 millimeters
Max Pull Diameter (at largest connectors point) 0.58 inches / 14.77 millimeters

HDMI 2.1 Terminations (Sold Separately)

Detachable Fiber Optic HDMI Termination (patented)
World-Wide Exclusive patented 8K Removable Fiber optic termination FIBER PLUGS allow to pass the main cable anywhere then connect the HDMI, reducing the required diameter of the main fiber cable to pass in any conduit without the risk of damaging the HDMI connectors.
Removable HDMI connectors can be replaced at any time without the need to replace the entire cable, making the PureFIBER solution ideal for Home, residential, commercial integration, replacing slow cat6/7/8 extension solutions which also limits the HDMI quality to max 10 gigabit, bottleneck of the cable speed.
Both terminations require a common USB-A 5volts continuous power (50 milliampere) in order to share commands also when the TV/Projector/Amplifier/Sources are turned Off, at the time these are turned on.
Full HDMI 2.1 HD/4K/8K/10K
Our FIBER PLUGS fiber optic HDMI extenders terminations supports all HDMI formats up to the latest HDMI 2.1 48 gigabit.
Specifications includes:
- Fiber Optic laser transmission for pure error-free noise-free connection of video & sound no copper cable can do.
- Full Compatibility with any legacy HDMI TMDS up to HDMI 2.1 FRL 48gigabit/s full speed
- Full Compatibility with any legacy HDCP up to HDCP 2.3 or Higher
- backwards compatible with earlier HDMI versions such as HDMI 1.3/1.4/2.0a/2.0b
- supports any resolution including SD HD 3D 4K 8K 10k
- Supports all frames rates including 4K@30 4K@60 4K@120Hz 8K@60 (and world-wide variants)
- Supports DSC 4K@240Hz
- Supports 4K@144Hz 4:4:4 Uncompressed
- Full 4:4:4 HDR10+ Uncompressed (HDMI 2.1 Standard FRL 48gigabit full speed)
- Dolby Atmos, THX, TRUE-HD, object-based audio, uncompressed 5.1 and 7.1, and 32-channel uncompressed audio
- Full Specs HDMI 2.1 including DSC, ALLM, QFT, QMS, VRR, Dynamic HDR,
Extended Length ARC over fiber (Patented)
Unique on the market our special Dedicated ARC over fiber Exclusive Priority link connects the sound from the TV or projector back to the AV receiver up to 330 Feet (100 meters) away in the basement or electrical closet without losing the original surround quality while playing movies or apps on the smart TV. Since there is no compression, no wire-sharing with other signals, our ARC sound quality is Pure-Perfect, same as the original, with no loss.  Supported formats are standard ARC Dolby Digital.
Extended CEC Remote Controls
FIBER PLUGS includes our Enhanced Hi-Velocity CEC over fiber Consumer Electronic Control link enabling the discovery and control of all the connected HDMI cec devices directly from the TV or Projector remote control, without the need for multiple remote controls.  Simply connect your TV or Projector with our PureFIBER Cable to the AV receiver away in the basement or closet, and the TV/Projector will find all the devices.
For the proper operation of the CEC, the Fiber Plugs USB power cords must be connected to a permanent standard 5 Volts source, same as a phone charger, also available on power strips, with minimal requirement of 50 milliamperes.  Using the USB power on devices is also possible however when the device is turned off, no cec commands can send to the other side of the cable.  Only legacy old HDMI devices or non-cec capable devices will not be discovered, and for these simply use our Fiber Docking accessory..

Fiber Breakout Pigtail (sold separately)

MPO To 12 LC Single Fibers
- Use Two Pigtails one per each side of the cable
Breakout 12 Fibers from one MPO fiber connector (main cable) to 12 single LC-Style single fibers connectors (OM3 Multimode Standard)
Breakout 6 Fibers when used with our MPO Y Splitter
Each LC Fiber Connector provides 100 Gigabit of full fiber speed.
Each LC Fiber connector is COLOR-CODED making it simple to connect the same color both sides of the cable for a wanted connection.
Each LC Fiber connector is independent and has its own bandwidth independent from any other signal in the cable.
Connects Any Expansion
Multiple simultaneous expansions / terminations can be connected using the single LC Fiber connectors such as
- Additional Ethernet adapters to create separated newtorks (smart-home divided from internet) or KIDS SAFE Networks
- WiFi access points
- Extra HDMI Screens or sources (up to 12 extra HDMI 2.0b 128gbps HDR 4K60 4:4:4 on the same cable)
- One or multiple KVM Keyboard Video Mouse connectors to create meeting desks or home offices leaving the computers away
- Audio over Fiber
- Controls over Fiber
- RS232 over fiber
- IR over Fiber
- Any device with an SFP Fiber slot can be connected
- Future TVs with SFP ONLY network access will be connected using ONE single fiber (up to 12 TVs 8K)
- And more as Fiber optic is the future
Can Pass via wall plate
Connect the Main cable inside the wall to an MPO Fiber Keystone.
Plug the Pig Tail from outside to the wall plate.
Connect all the devices to each single fiber
The 12 LC Fiber Plugs Pig Tail is 1 ft (30 centimeters) long and connect all the devices locally to the wall plate attached to the wall near by
Usually the wall plate and devices can be behind the TV or Monitor screens, or at the projector, hiding all the connections and extra devices.
Where needed, each of the LC Fiber connectors can be extended as needed with no loss using simple LC Coupler & patch cords to connect devices away from the wall plate such as on a desk, under a desk, or so.
Longer Pig Tails are also available upon request to fit any installation need.

Fiber Ethernet (sold separately)

Fiber To 4 Ports Ethernet
Single LC Fiber To 4 Ports Gigabit Layer-2 Adapter Hi-Performance Network Switch
Requires Just one single LC Fiber plug from the available ones using the LC Pig Tail Break out accessory (sold separately)
Convert 4 ports Gigabit Ethernet to Fiber with Zero Ping Lag for maximum performances on HD 4K 8K internet streaming, Internet TV, On-Line Gaming, Smart TV playback eliminating LAN Buffering or speed drops, Virtual Reality, Youtube broadcasting, Social Media, HD 4K 8K Live meeting, etc.
Full Modem Speed to the Room
Eliminates the Lag and speed drop or speed fluctuation caused by CAT-5/6/7 cables, delivering the full modem speed over fiber to each room.
Multiple Devices
Four Ethernet full-speed ports to connects Smart TV access/streaming, Smart Home HUBs in the room within the reach of smart devices such as lights, sensors, curtains, etc.., VOIP Phone, Wired Computer internet access, Gaming Consoles, in-room wifi AP access point repeaters, or any other combination.
On the Electrical Closet or cabinet side of the cable another 4 Port adapter connects to the Main modem delivering the full modem speed to other local devices (layer-2 switch) plus the room via fiber.
Multiple Cables to multiple rooms will have multiple of these 4 Ports adapters, so the first connects to the internet modem and then daisy-chain to the other 4 ports devices, creating a powerful scalable multi-port switch in the closet.
Simplify Fiber Internet Distribution
Where a Fiber Optic Internet Modem is installed, the PureFIBER PRO cable can connect the modem SFP fiber output directly to one of the available Fiber connectors, delivering Pure Fiber connection to the room.
In the room one of the 4 PORTS fiber to RJ45 Ethernet adapter will transform the fiber link from the modem to Electric for the classic ethernet devices connection

Fiber Docking (sold separately)

Fiber To Multiple Signals
Single LC Fiber To simultaneous:
- Two USB 2.0 PORTS to connect Keyboards, Mouse, Printers, Controllers, providing also the needed power
- IR Infrared Blaster 3.5mm port for Room to other side of the cable remote controls (basement, closet, cabinet). IR Eyes are included
- RS232 D9 standard connector to remote control any serial device with all standard speeds.
- HDMI 2.0b 18gbps HDR 4K60hz supporting All Formats as per HDMI 2.0b - no ARC/eARC
Requires Just one single LC Fiber plug from the available ones using the LC Pig Tail Break out accessory (sold separately)
Ideal expansion to connect Home Office, Offices, Meeting Tables, Home Entertainment computers, leaving the computer away in closet or basement.   Multiple Fiber Docking / Multiple Computers can be connected on the same cable simply using multiple Fiber Docking Sets over different LC plugs from the cable.  This accessory coexists with other at the same time on the same cable such as Ethernet, vr, etc.

USB-C 3.x (sold separately)

Full USB 3.x at any distance
Our USB-C termination accessory connects full featured / full speed USB 3.0/1/2 or higher over fiber without any lag or loss.
This accessory is ideal to connect VR Virtual Reality HeadSets over the same PureFIBER ULTRA Cable using our MPO "Y" splitter accessory, making it possible to connect both the HDMI 2.1 4K 8K link plus a full VR virtual reality on the same cable.
The USB-C accessory cable is 50 feet long to connect any device or the VR Headset away from the wall plate.
This accessory also provide the needed Power via the included AC power block to recharge VR Headsets or devices.
Our USB-C accessory termination is compatible with any USB-C 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.x device.

Install the Cable & Decide Later what to connect

Connect anything Today & Tomorrow
A vast range of accessories are available to connect anything.
It is common to install the cable with a wall plate to each room or desk then add out of the wall plate any termination needed time by time.
Available Accessories & Terminations includes:
- HDMI 2.1 Termination Cords ( up to TWO HDMI 4K/8K 2.1 48Giga over the same cable, also bi-directional)
- DP Display Port Termination Cords
- USB-C 3.2 termination cords (computer or Virtual Reality or any USB-C 3.x such as Web Cams, or other devices)
- USB + Keyboard + Mouse + IR + 232 + HDMI4K60 Combo Termination box
- Fiber Splitters to connect mode devices out of the wall plate plug
Each LC Fiber connector is COLOR-CODED making it simple to connect the same color both sides of the cable for a wanted connection.
Each LC Fiber connector is independent and has its own bandwidth independent from any other signal in the cable.
Connects Any Expansion
Multiple simultaneous expansions / terminations can be connected using the single LC Fiber connectors such as
- Additional Ethernet adapters to create separated networks (smart-home divided from internet) or KIDS SAFE Networks
- WiFi access points
- Extra HDMI Screens or sources (up to 12 extra HDMI 2.0b 128gbps HDR 4K60 4:4:4 on the same cable)
- One or multiple KVM Keyboard Video Mouse connectors to create meeting desks or home offices leaving the computers away
- Audio over Fiber
- Controls over Fiber
- RS232 over fiber
- IR over Fiber
- Any device with an SFP Fiber slot can be connected
- Future TVs with SFP ONLY network access will be connected using ONE single fiber (up to 12 TVs 8K)
- Any Future Device, without changing the cable